Relative paths are particularly convenient for testing a Web site from the file system. 相对路径特别便于从文件系统中测试网站。
You can rename UML components with either a simple identifier or with a valid partial path that is relative to the target container in which the IDL file is generated. 您可以将UML组件重命名为简单标识符,也可以使用有效的相对路径,指向生成的IDL文件中的目标容器。
A relative URI reference is much like a file path. 相对的URI引用更像一个文件路径。
And there you have it: a fully functioning CLI PHP program that accepts either user input or a list of files and randomizes the relative contents of each file. 现在您拥有这样一个程序:完全运行的CLIPHP程序,它可以接受用户输入,也可以接受文件列表并随机排列每个文件的相关内容。
Any relative URLs must be relative to the cache manifest file. 任何相对URLs必须相对于缓存清单文件。
So, the paths being relative, we simply point to the file we want to add to the ZIP and use the addFile() method to pack it in. 这样看来,路径是相对的,只是指向了需要添加到ZIP中的文件并使用addFile()方法把它打包在其中。
In Figure 4, the Filename field is set to the relative CSV file path that is to be read. 在图4中,Filename字段被设置为将被读取的CSV文件的相对路径。
If you do not use a path-map, then the system will store a file path ( relative, if possible) in the model file where the profile is applied. 如果不使用路径映射,那么这个系统将在这个概要文件应用位置的模型文件中存储一个文件路径(如果可能的话)。
The plug-in works with so-called relative URLs ( URLs that give the path relative to the current file). 该插件使用了所谓的相对URL(提供相对于当前文件的路径的URL)。
When a zip file is imported, the Schema Library Manager imports all the files in the zip file and sets the location attribute to the relative directory from the root of the zip file. 在导入zip文件时,SchemaLibraryManager会导入所有zip文件中的文件并将位置属性设置为从zip文件的根设置开始的相对目录。
Note that the include and library paths for the Matlab_inv libraries are specified relative to the model file. 请注意,Matlabinv库的包含路径和库路径是相对于模型文件进行指定的。
In the Include Controller control panel shown in Figure 9, the Filename field stores the relative path to the child JMX file ( Login_User.jmx in this example). 在图9所示的IncludeController控制面板中,Filename字段存储了子JMX文件(在本例中是LoginUser.jmx)的相对路径。
Finally, ensure that the topic includes a relative path to the HTML file that will be displayed when the user clicks the link on the top-level Help page ( Examples and Solutions in this case). 最后,确保这个主题包含到这个HTML文件的相关路径,当这个用户点击最高阶层Help页面上的链接时它将会显示(在这种情形下是Examples和Solutions)。
Lotus Forms Designer now supports relative URIs, which allow data models to point to an external schema file. LotusFormsDesigner现在支持相对URI,这允许数据模型指向外部模式文件。
General information includes the name, description, and relative file path of the test suite. 总体说明包括名称、描述以及测试套件的相关文件路径。
When a resource file is included in the definition file, the file path to the included file should be relative to the location of the definition file. 当定义文件包含一个资源文件时,资源文件的文件路径必须相对于定义文件的位置。
For a report published to a report server configured for native mode, use a full or relative path without the file extension. 对于发布到本机模式配置的报表服务器的报表,使用不包含文件扩展名的完整或相对路径。
Lets you specify the path for the master page file relative to the local configuration file. 用于指定母版页文件相对于本地配置文件的路径。
Assigns a virtual file path, either absolute or relative, to a physical file path. 给物理文件路径指定虚拟文件路径(绝对或相对)。
The numbers indicate a given record's position relative to the first record in the file. 编号指明了一个给定的记录相对于文件中第一个记录的位置。
Resolve File Path Cache-PHP scripts very often include or operate with files by using relative file paths. 解决文件路径缓存-PHP脚本往往包含或与文件操作使用相对文件路径。
If you use a relative path, the path is relative to the directory that contains the advertisement file. 如果使用相对路径,则该路径相对于包含公布文件的目录。
Output Directory: Specifies a relative path to the output file directory; can include environment variables. 输出目录:指定输出文件目录的相对路径;可以包含环境变量。
In our example, the relative record number indicates how many sectors away from the beginning of the file the record is stored. 在本例中,某个相对记录编号指明了该记录存放在从文件起点算起的第几号扇区上。
If you specify only the file name or a relative path when you are backing up to a file, the backup file is put in the default backup directory. 如果您在备份到文件时仅指定文件名或相对路径,则备份文件将存储到默认备份目录中。
After giving the parameters of the structure and geometry of the tool while giving the workpiece dimension and relative position between them, procedure file was made and 3D modeling could be done in Marc environment. 在给定刀具的结构尺寸、几何角度和工件的几何尺寸以及刀具与工件的相对位置后,即可生成三维建模的过程文件,并在Marc软件环境中完成刀具-工件的三维几何建模。
The Chinese localization of GTK+ and relative character file was set up. So the configuration of X Windows system service which used to support character file of X Locale and GTK+ can be solved. 而GTK+的汉化,只需在GTK+初始化之前调用locale设置函数且设置好相关字体文件,即可解决系统xwindows服务器支持XLocale及GTK+的字体文件的正确设置。
The relative element library file can be formed through the treatment of SLM practical routine by the library file containing Chinese character matrix, and the Chinese character marking can be achieved by transfering the elements. 含有汉字点阵的库源文件经SLM实用程序处理之后形成相应的元件库文件,通过调用元件的方法实现汉字标注。
Where the victim is dead, his close relative is entitled to file an incidental civil suit. 被害人死亡的,其近亲属有权提起附带民事诉讼;
Using Microsoft SQL Server? as database server, banding together Relative Database with File System to realize distributed manage and non-structural storage for teaching information resource. 用microsoftSQLserver7.0作为数据库服务器,并采用关系型数据库与文件系统相结合的方式,实现了教学信息资源的分布式管理和非结构化存储。